Privacy Policy

Privacy statement

The term “site" covers all internet based services provided by ‘Amri Hospitals’ referred to as the ‘provider’ via this web portal or via its mobile applications.

This privacy policy applies to the AMRI hospitals mobile app hosted on Google Play or Apple AppStore and services provided at It does not cover information collected on any third-party sites to which our site links. This policy covers information collected in conjunction with the use of as part of services that are provided on behalf of the provider.

This privacy policy is part of, and must be read in conjunction with, our Terms of Use. You can read the entire Terms of Use by clicking here or the menu at the bottom of every page. If you do not agree with the Terms of Use in their entirety, do not proceed any further.

IP Addresses, Domain, Host and Other Information

When you use the portal or our app, the site automatically collect and stores: the name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet; the unique Internet protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using; the browser software you use and your operating system; the date and time you access our sites; and the Internet address of the site from which you linked directly to our sites.

The site may collect this information to conduct system administration and site analysis. To maintain visitor anonymity, the site does not associate IP addresses with records containing personal information. However, the provider may use IP addresses to identify any visitors who refuse to comply with the site’s rules or terms of use.


This site has stringent security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information on the site. The site and the provider web servers are secured with 256-bit Secure Socket Layer ("SSL") encryption technology. SSL encryption is an industry standard technology and is used to protect your data. Any employee or contractor requiring access to technology relating to your information may be given password access by the provider or by the service provider to carry out service and maintenance related functions. This access is reviewed on a regular basis, and parties granted such access are instructed on the privacy and security policies. To prevent loss of information, all data is backed up regularly. While stringent security measures are in place to protect your data, we cannot guarantee that it is completely secure from people who might attempt to evade our security measures or intercept and illegally attempt to decode encrypted transmissions over the Internet.

Registration Information, phone number and e-mail

The site's registration form requires users to provide us contact information, such as a name, mobile number and e-mail address. By subscribing to the provider services, you have agreed to receive e-mail notifications, text messages and mobile push notifications that are necessary for the provider to communicate important information to you such as your upcoming appointments or status updates against your service requests. These messages will not include the substance of those communications. unless we have received a standing instruction from the user to the contrary. If no standing instruction is on file from the user to include the substance of the notifications, the messages will be for notification purposes only. You will have to login to your account through the portal or the mobile app to review these messages.

Contact information may also be used by the provider to contact you, when necessary. The provider or the service provider will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information at any time.

Passwords and Account Information

You are solely responsible to maintain the secrecy of your passwords and/or account information. Please be aware that the site is providing you the ability to store any relevant information, including sensitive information, on the portal or the mobile app, and has adopted many levels of security to protect this information. However, any individual with your account information and password can access this information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online and change your password frequently.

Personal Information

Personal information entered on the site or retrieved from the site, such as information about your medical history, doctors and prescriptions is used to provide you with tailored services in conjunction with your engagement with the provider and may be accessible to relevant individuals (doctors) acting on behalf of the provider during the course of your engagement. Your information will not be disclosed to any external party without your permission or as otherwise specified in the "Disclosure" section below.

Other Information

The site may collect non-personally identifiable information from site visitors to track the total of number of visitors to the site in aggregate form and identify the type of mobile device and browser (e.g., Android® or Google Chrome®) used by the visitor. This information allows the provider and the service provider to continuously to improve services that are offered through our site.

Removal/Change of Personal Information

You can remove or change any information you store or provide to us by deleting the file or files you stored or changing the personal information you have provided. When you remove or change information, the site may retain that information in the form of back-up or archival data, but it will not be available readily on the site.


Except as specified below, the provider will not disclose your personally identifiable information without your permission.

First, in the course of providing services via the site, the technical and maintenance contractors associated with the provider may have limited access to the information you provide. These contractors include technicians, vendors and suppliers that provide the client with technology, services, and/or content related to enhancing operation and maintenance of the site. Access to your personal Information by these contractors is limited to the information reasonably necessary for the contractor to perform its limited functions for the site. The provider also contractually requires these contractors to protect the privacy of your information consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Second, the provider may disclose your personal information in connection with legal action against someone who may be violating policy or applicable law.

Third, the provider will release your personal information if required to do so by law or court order. In such cases, the provider will notify you of this disclosure.

Use By Minors

The site is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18 unless parental consent is provided. It is your responsibility to protect your passwords and account information to prevent such use. Protecting passwords and other account information is particularly important if information about minors is accessed via the site.

Transfer of control

Circumstances may arise where the provider may decide to reorganize or divest part or all of our business or of a line of our business, including our information databases and Websites, through a sale, divestiture, merger, acquisition, or other means of transfer. In any such circumstance, personally identifiable information may be shared with, sold, transferred, rented, licensed or otherwise provided or made available by us or on our behalf to actual or potential parties to, and in connection with, the contemplated transaction (without your consent or any further notice to you). In such circumstances, we will seek written assurances that personally identifiable information submitted through this site will be protected appropriately.

Notification of Changes

If the provider decides to change this privacy policy, we will post these changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. Regardless of later updates, we will never use the information you submit under this current policy in a new way without first providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prevent that use.